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1 Case study on precast concrete technology. - Yash Vitthal More ., Rushikesh Tukaram vanjire., Harshvardhan Sandipkumar Tare., Ashish Girish Mokashi. Guide Pradeep D. Patil.
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2 Failure In Earthen Dam and Its Preventive Measures :- Mr. Anurag Dadaso Patil., Mr. Pranav Ramgonda Patil ., Mr. Kishor Dilip Yelawade., Mr. Somesh Gajanan Patil ., Mr. Gourav Rajgonda Patil., Guide Mr. T.M. Khurape.
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3 CASE STUDY ON PRODUCTION OF BIOGAS FROM NAPIER GRASS. - Mr. Sumit M. Patil, Mr. Akhil J. Chougule, Mr. Sarthak R. Havale, Mr. Aditya B. Chougule, Guide - Ms. Prital S.
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4. Design and manufacturing of rotary dust collector in textile industry. - Tejas.A.Pitroda., Faiz.F.Momin., Ganesh.D.Chavan., Vaibhav.P.Phalke., Rohit.D.Vakare., Guide - M.A.PATIL.
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